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Table decoration: a feast for the eyes

Table decoration

Table decoration: a feast for the eyes

Tips & Tricks

The Ingredient

The right table decoration creates atmosphere and sets the tone for a perfect meal. You can use anything that appeals to your senses. Feel free to be a little unconventional – this will give your table a casual touch.


The harmony of decoration and finest cuisine

A beautifully decorated table also reflects the passion of eating and the art of enjoyment – when an opulent vision provides a taster of what is to come and the first sips of your aperitif slowly diffuse in your blood, sending gentle aerosols floating through your veins. As the comforting warmth spreads, a sense of peace and everlastingness resounds.

Table and chairs

Personal feelings add to the holistic experience

Handsomely decorated tables in their full splendour represent real life. They are a feast for the eyes, joie de vivre and much more – a mirror of the soul shining through everything that is so charmingly choreographed. This is pure joy, provided we open our hearts to it. After all, what we perceive as joy is a very individual affair, closely linked to personal experience and the ability to be conscious of the things that we do.

Plums in glass

The potential of deep conversations

Beautifully decorated tables, in fact, don’t just point to culinary delights – they also have a great deal to do with human encounters, with the conversations that happen and the bond that forms when you enjoy something together. Both hold the potential to intoxicate every sensory organ; the prospect of enthralling moments and endless relaxation that you find when eating and talking with friends.
A glance at history tells us that there are many synergies between food and relationships, as tasty temptations have always been used to seal friendships, make or break marriages and pave political paths. Paired with delicious food, an enthralling table decoration can be an excellent source of inspiration.


Great tips for a more casual feel

Bring nature into your home. Whether in the form of berries, wood, nuts or colourful flowers – nature has something wonderful to offer. It looks particularly lovely to arrange twigs, foliage or potted herbs with candles. This adds a warm mood. Feel free to mix different plates and glasses. It doesn’t all have to be perfectly matching.

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